Lok- Adalats are setup with the support of local reputed person, police, public representatives etc. In the presence of these people, small disputes are heard and settlement is reached. A number of public grievances and complaints are collected in detail. They are channelised for solutions through BAA. Helpline Centers to have been opened to take in the complaints from any end of the country.
1. Human Rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex,nationality,ethnicity,language,religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression.the right to work and education,and many more.
2. All human rights are indivisible and interdependent. This means that one set of rights cannot be enjoyed fully without the other.
Through well-executed Members and complete end-to-end / Door to Door promotion of Human Rights and many other awareness programs, we try to help dramatically increase their visibility and create value about Human Rights values and there Guideline given in Universal declaration by United Nation Through group discussion, pamphlet, and through other media of information in societies, slum areas ensuring that their rights are valuable.
We do various awareness program on various issues with the support of our government bodies, members, local people where our member are there to give them guideline on various issues Our organization has well qualified members they are trained to understand various issues, situation and people needs.
People are getting advantage from our organization because our members penetrate in all areas where people need help and awareness our members are well familiar to track issues in their areas because they are promoting awareness since few decades in there working areas.
The aim of our organization is to generate N number of awareness camps in coming future through advertisement, direct consoling, cold callings, door-to-door awareness e-publication handbills and pamphlets.