
Home Helpline

Helpline / Redressal cell

  1. Medical relief on cancer, heart, HIV AIDS, other vital diseases. Helpless people and Medical illigal treatment prevention,Ultrasound, illigal work.
  2. Family Dispute
  3. Land Dispute
  4. Education - Sarve Siksha Abhiyan, SC/ST/OBC Stipend, non- education, level of education, Donation, Acccomdation enquiry
  5. Agriculture - Flower, Medication, Spices, Fruits, Agriculture Training, Loan of all facilities.
  6. Industry - Training, Loan, Enquiry, Prevention of Running illigal work and saving taxation
  7. Consumer
  8. Sheduled Caster/S.T.Prevention of Atrocities, Prevention, or Compensation
  9. Handicapped - To make certificate available artificial articles, fund, loan, medical ,financial help
  10. Custodial Crime, Detaintion, Police Atrocities, Fake encounter, Torture, Cruelty, inhuman treatment
  11. Labour Dispute, Exploitation, Wages, Accident Compensation/child labour, Prohibition cell
  12. Taxation(escaping/saving) - To prevent escape of Tax
  13. Judiciary/Adminstrative Corruption
  14. Banking or other central state Department corruption, Dispute Redressal unit
  15. Law enforcing cell ( Public Justice Council )
  16. Environment Protection
  17. Women, Old Age, Child ( Friend’s for Women and Child )
  18. Helpless relief compensation cell
  19. Unnatural Death/Relief cell/Unnatural Calamities, Relief cell/Compensation
  20. Communal Violence
  21. License Enquire cell - To prevent antiworking without licence
  22. Pornography, Prostitution, Sexual exploitation, Sale, Discrimination against women, girls
  23. Victim of Torture, Violence, economic exploitation
  24. Police public Peace committee
  25. Communal/Religons Harmony Committee
  26. Protection of Minority cell
  27. Backward class Protection Relief cell
  28. Public Interest Litigation cell
  29. Free legal Aid only for helpless people under B.P.L Certificate holder
  30. Illegal Donation Prevention
  31. Civil cases/Criminal cases redressal cell
  32. Available all information to needy people cell
  33. Departmental Service matter Public Grievance cell
  34. Humane Treatment of Prisioners
  35. Welfare
  36. Old cases Relief
  37. NRI
  38. Helpline Victim for the prohibition of Discrimination on ground of race case,colour,sex,language,religion,Political and other opinion, National or Social origin,Property,Birth or Status
  39. Child like Orphan children, Disabled, abuse, torture, Juvinile, Deprived, drug-abuse, education, childlike victim of armed conflict, sexual exploitation, sale, trafficking, abduction to minorities and effected communal violence relief, war relief
  40. Starvention Relief
  41. Labour - Organised to unorganised labour, To available facilities from Govt to protection, relief, redressal of payment compensation Legal etc
  42. UNDP Helpline - United Nations Development programme Helpline
  43. Road Security Committee-Relief Committee for Communal Violence, unnatural calamities, vital road accident
  44. Vocational Training, Women’s Development,Civil Defence Wing
  45. Consumer Protection , Animal Protection Wing
  46. Journalist Rights Council, Friends For Women and Child, Public Justice Council
  47. Police and Public Awareness Program, Help for Any Government Department.
  48. Charitable and Developmental objects of general public utility and community Welfare.
  49. Cid, Ncb, Acib, Dca & All Government Department Help Council Cell
  50. Student council of india