Helpline / Redressal cell
- Medical relief on cancer, heart, HIV AIDS, other vital diseases. Helpless people and Medical illigal
treatment prevention,Ultrasound, illigal work.
- Family Dispute
- Land Dispute
- Education - Sarve Siksha Abhiyan, SC/ST/OBC Stipend, non- education, level of education, Donation,
Acccomdation enquiry
- Agriculture - Flower, Medication, Spices, Fruits, Agriculture Training, Loan of all facilities.
- Industry - Training, Loan, Enquiry, Prevention of Running illigal work and saving taxation
- Consumer
- Sheduled Caster/S.T.Prevention of Atrocities, Prevention, or Compensation
- Handicapped - To make certificate available artificial articles, fund, loan, medical ,financial help
- Custodial Crime, Detaintion, Police Atrocities, Fake encounter, Torture, Cruelty, inhuman treatment
- Labour Dispute, Exploitation, Wages, Accident Compensation/child labour, Prohibition cell
- Taxation(escaping/saving) - To prevent escape of Tax
- Judiciary/Adminstrative Corruption
- Banking or other central state Department corruption, Dispute Redressal unit
- Law enforcing cell ( Public Justice Council )
- Environment Protection
- Women, Old Age, Child ( Friend’s for Women and Child )
- Helpless relief compensation cell
- Unnatural Death/Relief cell/Unnatural Calamities, Relief cell/Compensation
- Communal Violence
- License Enquire cell - To prevent antiworking without licence
- Pornography, Prostitution, Sexual exploitation, Sale, Discrimination against women, girls
- Victim of Torture, Violence, economic exploitation
- Police public Peace committee
- Communal/Religons Harmony Committee
- Protection of Minority cell
- Backward class Protection Relief cell
- Public Interest Litigation cell
- Free legal Aid only for helpless people under B.P.L Certificate holder
- Illegal Donation Prevention
- Civil cases/Criminal cases redressal cell
- Available all information to needy people cell
- Departmental Service matter Public Grievance cell
- Humane Treatment of Prisioners
- Welfare
- Old cases Relief
- Helpline Victim for the prohibition of Discrimination on ground of race
case,colour,sex,language,religion,Political and other opinion, National or Social origin,Property,Birth or
- Child like Orphan children, Disabled, abuse, torture, Juvinile, Deprived, drug-abuse, education, childlike
victim of armed conflict, sexual exploitation, sale, trafficking, abduction to minorities and effected
communal violence relief, war relief
- Starvention Relief
- Labour - Organised to unorganised labour, To available facilities from Govt to protection, relief,
redressal of payment compensation Legal etc
- UNDP Helpline - United Nations Development programme Helpline
- Road Security Committee-Relief Committee for Communal Violence, unnatural calamities, vital road
- Vocational Training, Women’s Development,Civil Defence Wing
- Consumer Protection , Animal Protection Wing
- Journalist Rights Council, Friends For Women and Child, Public Justice Council
- Police and Public Awareness Program, Help for Any Government Department.
- Charitable and Developmental objects of general public utility and community Welfare.
- Cid, Ncb, Acib, Dca & All Government Department Help Council Cell
- Student council of india