Without police verification, a candidate is not nominated as a member of BAA
BAA Members are not authorized to issue any kind of letters to any department without consent and written permission of Founder President, BAA. BAA will not be responsible for any such behaviour and will take strict action against anybody found guilty.
Membership: BAA Members are not authorized to nominate any member on their own. They can only provide recommendations to the Founder President, BAA. BAA will not be responsible for any members nominated without written consent of Founder President and their membership is invalid. Strict legal action will be taken against such people. A person having an ID Card with no hologram and bar code or fake hologram and bar code is not a member of BAA.
All are independent bodies of the BAA Controlled by the Founder President .
Will keep good vigilance on day-to-day transaction the expenditure done by the members of the BAA & will submit reports.
Will have the power to cancel the membership if got any serious complaint and will set up inquire committee with the related issue.
To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps from head quarter of Founder President.
To ensure the development of the BAA & the members so as to establish better understanding co-ordinating and unity amongst the all members.
To nominate and cancellation authority to any nominated post by the authority of Founder President.
All the correspondence of BAA working should be done on papers in writing. Any letter written by any member of BAA should have approval from the corresponding State Chairman, Zonal Chairman or the Founder President.
It is to be noted that what so ever the account opened in the National, State, districts, will be in jointly with the Founder President with the Chairman of the respected areas.
All members of BAA have power to take donations for BAA in form of Cheque or DD. Payment in cash will not be entertained. And submit it to president secretariats.
Any members of BAA can apply application to president secretariats for fund required for any work of BAA.
Founder Director have inherent power to cancel the membership / termination from the board of BAA on the following ground on the immediate effects.
Any of the members / executive members of the BAA involved in any anti-social activities / convicted / charge sheeted person.
And if adjudged by any court of law to be criminal offender.
And if found guilty by means of anti propaganda of the aims and objects of BAA.
And if fails to pay the contribution / subscription as specified by the BAA.
And if has not attended three consecution meetings.
And if disregards rules and regulation or disobey the decision of the governing body.
And if he involved in any of the party of Politics.
And if he submit false statements / reports to the working body.
And if found any serious complaint by any other members of the BAA.
And if found utilizing BAA fund in any other work with out prior permission by the authorities.
President shall preside over all the meeting of the trust.
Director shall have the power to allow inclusion of any subject matter in agenda for the discussion in the course of proceeding/ meeting.
Director has all power to prepare Plans, Projects and programmes on behalf of trust.